Community – Seven Inches of Your Time Mon, 01 Jan 2018 01:49:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SDCC: “Community” Panel Thu, 24 Jul 2014 21:55:10 +0000 Get hard]]> community

Who or what is Yahoo! Screen and can we trust it? That is the question all human beings in Greendale and beyond are wondering right about now. Hopefully, this panel starts to answer that question, as we approach #sixseasonsandamovie and Community’s SDCC panel.

I feel like when it was first bandied about, this was a farewell panel. Now it’s a comeback, and that story is about to be written.

TV Guide Magazine is moderating this panel, which I suppose is fitting, since Community won top honors for best cult show.

Watching clips and reel for Community‘s previous five seasons. “Ratings…where we’re going, we don’t need ratings.”

Moderator Michael Snyder kicks it off with: “How about 7 seasons and a Broadway musical?” Yup, this is my panel.

STARBURNS is in the house, and wants Vodka.

EP Chris McKenna is here. Mr. Dan Harmon, creator and EP. Gillian Jacobs/Britta. Jim Rash/Dean Pelton. Joel McHale/Jeff Winger.

The show is back. Michael congrats Harmon for getting on national press release. Dan Harmon comments that he looks like a really bad Russell Crowe, stone age Russell Crowe, where only dinosaurs and carbs exist.

Harmon still doesn’t know how it happened, got call 3 hours before deadline. Said no, then changed mind in 1.5 hours.

Harmon: “You’ll be watching Community how you always watched it. Only now it’s legal.”

RE: ambivalence to comeback: Didn’t want to hurt the fans, didn’t want them to get optimistic.

McHale was asked if how sure he was about it being back, and Starburns pitched Trent, his graphic novel. When asked again, McHale mentioned Trent as an inspiration. But in all seriousness, he was fairly confident, always wanted it back if they paid “me what Jim Parsons is making.” McHale was ready to do a regional theatre version of the show, that’s how supportive and proud he is of the show. He called it the best TV show in the universe.

McHale: “Fuck you network television…unless they want us back.”

Starburns is making a graphic novel/musical, and selling it in the back exit. Scott Adsit sings on it (of 30 Rock). He’s clearly insane.

Gillian shed a tear when it was cancelled, and found out about its comeback on Twitter. Excited to see it in a new medium.

Jim Rash is gleeful about it being back.

Chris McKenna takes credit for it being back, because he tweeted that it was dead and to move on to fans.

What’s happening in season 6? Hard at work on a Pokemon episode…the crowd loved it, but he was joking. Now it’ll probably happen. And better. A Meow Meow mix prequel episode was also joked about.

Dan doesn’t have high falutin plans for season 6.

Anything you can get on the show now that you couldn’t before? Harmon is very careful about changing the show, thinks it needs to be about the community still. Aims to attempt to make the same show, and let the lack of boundaries happen naturally. Still hoping to “air” every week.

This is when my neighbor fell asleep and is leaning on me. When he realizes he’s asleep, he takes a quick photo and then resumes his nap.

Greendale is saved. Is it safe? “I like it as an underdog school.”

Is there a future for Jeff and Britta? Or for Jeff and Annie? McHale: “It’s on the internet, so it’s Jeff and Dean now.” Harmon: “Alison didn’t show up, so…I don’t know what is punishment or reward to her. I base all my decisions on pettiness.

Harmon gets very vague/complicated about romance and whatnot about the love sitch. No idea what he said, but he finishes it by saying, “everybody’s gonna be a vampire.”

Joel compares his character to a moth to a flame. “Maybe I grow a tail…doesn’t know what’s going to happen, and not gonna guess.”

Gillian glad that Britta was victorious on purpose a couple times. Enjoyed being right for a change. Rash: “You’ll never not be the worst.”

Rash spat on Gillian and Joel a lot during his infamous rap scene. Rash is a rapper, and “can’t control that sort of thing…that’s real.” Then Rash starts rapping Starburns’ graphic novel. I love these people.

What traits does Jim appreciate about the Dean? He’s doing his best, and really does love these people.

Which cast members are coming back and will Pierce’s chair be filled? Harmon needs to sit down with the writers and talk about that, so he can’t reveal anything. McHale: “It’s Benedict Cumberbatch.” It’s apparently contractual possible for John Oliver to return, and everyone got pumped about that idea.

Twitter question: What flavor are you? But don’t ask Dan Harmon. So of course Dan Harmon is the only one who answers: “that’s because they can already tell I’m bacon.”

Favorite moments of season 5?

McHale: Working with Mitch Hurwitz as Koogler. Couldn’t stop laughing every scene. Had to run out of scenes.

Jacobs: Had trouble picking an episode, said PASS, but loved the wolf howl and screaming “Floor, bitch.”

Rash: “I enjoyed particularly, the D&D episode, because I wasn’t involved with the first one.” Liked being paired off with different actors holed up in scenes. Mentioned story with Jonathan Banks, where he was expected to laugh, and he didn’t, and his response: “I was.” Then he went crazy in the next one. Apparently on his first day on set, he told someone, “I’ll punch you in the heart.”

Harmon: Most proud that they had three characters doing Gary Oldman doing The Professional.

McKenna: Favorite part was watching Dean trying to get Rhonda’s attention.

Starburns: Loved the Troy departure episode. Wants more of those. Loved the Pierce dying episode. Wants 8 more.

Brief chatter about Dave Matthews Band, because of course.

There was a lot of interrupting on Gillian’s part, Rash removes her microphone and puts her on timeout.

What is the state of Troy? “Troy’s out there…he may be in peril. That’s what movies are made of.  I have no plans for that, but a Search for Spock type movie” is a good idea. McHale wants to see Troy eat LeVar Burton at some point.

People want Meow Meow Mix app. If only a big internet conglomerate owned them…

In terms of holiday episodes, Harmon doesn’t know, because of the schedule and because of the internet. McKenna: “don’t want to do Halloween episodes in February, if we can help it.” Though, that sounds like a great idea.

Someone admits that Britta is they’re favorite character (while simultaneously admitting she’s the worst). What’s next for her in psychiatry? Gillian mentions her cats and being an animal psychiatrist. Gillian: “The possibilities are truly…limited.” Nailed it.

RE: varied theme episodes: “I don’t know how we do it…we blow our own minds”(Harmon)

Two human beings come up to the stage to ask questions, and hug. Aww. McHale wants to know how they go to the bathroom, McHale makes sure they stay on the stage (“It’s the only time of day they’re not awkward.”).

Villains– City College? “Good idea, thanks.”

Apparently there was a story pitched that McHale would have to take care of a dog in a baby bjorn.

What class would you take at Greendale? Gillian: “History of Ice Cream.” McHale: One of those take care of a dog for a week classes.” McKenna: Learning! Starburns: Ditto, what show are we talking about?

How does Joel get his hair to stand up? “I use the Chris Hardwick school of gels…this takes about six hours.”

A fan really wants toys, now that they have money. She also requests Dan Harmon’s weird laugh: apparently his trachea clicks. Could be our last season. Starburns: “I’m a toy…” wants to date the woman who asked it.

Why Colorado and where in Colorado? Harmon wanted to go with the Simpsons, anywhere USA angle. Apparently legal team needs to know where the show is, need a state. So that’s why Colorado was born.

What movie/TV show to spoof that you haven’t already done? Starburns says Toby Gilles (maybe?). No idea.

What about a Rick & Morty crossover? “I don’t know.”

What’s it like to move to internet acting is actually a question we get. “People will see the screen and think Moby has a new music video.” Nudity? Gillian: Only male nudity. McHale insists on it.

The Soup crossover with Mankini? McHale

Can watch Yahoo! Screen or download the Yahoo! screen, and will start production later this summer, and will be available as soon as they’re available. It sounds like it’ll be around Christmas time when we get new episodes.

McHale: “You guys are the greatest fans in history.”

Yahoo! Screen and Subway are providing free sandwiches from 4-8 PM at K Street in San Diego. They are actually themed to different characters on the show. You can order a Britta, people.

Finishes with Senor Chang cosplay, like every panel should. God bless you Greendale. Glad you still exist.

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WonderCon 2014: Sony’s “Deliver Us From Evil” Panel Mon, 21 Apr 2014 17:21:51 +0000 Get hard]]> deliverusfromevil2

Chris Hardwick is the moderator for Deliver Us From Evil, which makes me so erect for Comic-Con, and honestly, automatically makes this panel a must-watch. He’s the best moderator in the business.

Director Scott Derrickson (Sinister, Exorcism of Emily Rose) is brought to the stage. We quickly learn that Scott and Olivia Munn did a beer chugging challenge backstage…and Scott won. This happened 30 seconds ago. Dayum, I’m so jealous.

Then we get to see a clip, which is essentially a 5 and a half minute trailer, with material that mostly has not been shown anywhere. Scott says it’s a good representation of the movie. The film is based on the life of Ralph Sarchie, an undercover police sergeant who worked in the most dangerous square mile in America, and then became embroiled in the supernatural. The book upon which the film is based can be found here.


The clip is very Sinister and Blumhouse Productions-y. The highlight is definitely a horrifying owl stuffed animal that moves of its own accord (above). Because owls are terrifying/awesome. Afterwards, we’re introduced to the guests, and boy, this panel has some of the best guests of any all weekend. First there’s super producer Jerry Bruckheimer (okay whatever), THEN Joel McHale, Olivia Munn, Edgar Ramirez and Eric Bana. YES. All of the Yesses.

The panel immediately gets off on the right/wrong foot, when a guy yells that he loves Olivia Munn, to which she quickly responds: “I don’t know you.” Hardwick mentions that she could totally hook up with that guy. Munn says she’s down, but asks: “How big is it?” Then she asks how big Chris Hardwick’s dick is. This panel is gonna rule, because Olivia has just chugged a beer, and everyone is on comedic point.


How did they get involved with the film?

Eric Bana was introduced to the film by the script, and he loved it, and wanted to play Ralph Sarchie, no matter what the genre.

Chris Hardwick is superstitious: “If I’m in a devil possession movie, I feel like I’ll be possessed by the devil.” Did that notion scare Eric Bana? Eric was a skeptic to start, which was handy while filming. Then Scott and Sarchie gave Eric some terrifying footage, that apparently scared him for weeks, which in turn, also helped shooting the movie.

Edgar Ramirez plays a priest who’s based on two real people. Edgar was raised Catholic, and familiar with the symbolism in the movie. He watched The Exorcist as an accident when he was six years old, and had to sleep with the lights on for the next two years. Now his lights are on again since they made Deliver Us From Evil. For him, it was like facing those fears from his childhood.


Hardwick loves the idea that if the lights are on, the devil will shy away…Like, oh no, it’s not worth it, a hilarious observation. The lights won’t stop the devil, children.

Why did Olivia Munn get involved, and what’s her character’s deal? Again, she’s ready for a joke (that might not be a joke): “The only reason I signed onto the movie” was to play Eric’s wife. She’s a “believer,” (not a trace, or doubt in my mind) but that wasn’t the important part of it to her. For Olivia, it was to create a nice and inviting home base to show what Sarchie has to lose.

Chris asks the panel if there are light moments between takes, or if they’re serious on set because it’s a horror flick. Olivia quickly responds that there are fluffy moments, as “we have a lot of comedic actors in this film, but not Joel.” To which Joel agreed resolutely/hilariously. Then Eric told Olivia that he saw this illustrious evil footage, and couldn’t sleep for three weeks. That put a damper on things. Eric didn’t want Olivia to see it, so she of course had to, and couldn’t get through it. She cried while watching it. Now WE ALL WANT TO SEE IT.

But apparently you can’t find footage online (“What do you mean it’s not on YouTube?”). Munn: “The internet will let you down, but Scott won’t.”

The conversation drifts to…Joel McHale and #sixseasonsandamovie. “I play Jeff Winger in this movie,” McHale jokes. His character is “very concerned about his uniform the entire time.” Amazing. We learn that Joel has been friends with Scott for a long time, and that he took pity on me, and wrote this role with “me in mind” (“pedophile”). Apparently Joel has a large knife collection, and so does his character in the movie. Olivia asks if that’s legit. “Yeah, come over.” Joel’s character, Butler, isn’t a nice man. It’ll be exciting to see different shades of Joel McHale on screen.

For the role, Joel learned a deadly version of Filipino knife fighting, which Joel McHale likens to a “type of murder.” Chris Hardwick and Joel McHale on a panel together…is the best.

The subject of playing a real person comes up. Eric spent a lot of time with Ralph Sarchie, though he didn’t have a choice. Sarchie was there from day 1, even around for the table reads, before Eric even had developed an accent. Ralph gave Eric a note the first day, and Eric told him not to pay any attention to him that night, and Sarchie took it in stride. From there, they became friends. There were some times when Sarchie wouldn’t come, because he didn’t want to see what they were filming that day (because his acting was so bad, Bana jokes). Eric had a thousand questions to ask Sarchie, but this time around, he shut his mouth and just listened to him, and saw other cops dealt with him. It was better to observe than pepper him with questions.

Edgar is also bringing a real person to life, though he didn’t have access to them, like Eric did. Edgar is always philosophical, so he said: “You can’t imitate life,” and their job is to recreate it.

Fan question time!

Has Scott ever witnessed a real-life exorcism?
No, he’s seen a ton of footage and talked with people who have had experiences, but he’s never seen one in real life, and “I don’t particularly want to.”

Does Ralph Sarchie have a cameo in the movie?
Scott lobbied for it, but Sarchie absolutely refused. “Ralph’s a very complicated guy. There was something about it that seemed like it’d be ego driven. I think he wanted to do it” so because of that, Sarchie made sure that he didn’t. Ralph’s apparently doing really well with becoming a movie character. Scott is appreciative that he’s letting them do what they’ve done. Sarchie also helped make sure that the police were properly represented in the film, so he was on set for practical reasons. He did a great job of not getting in the way of the creative process.

Dick size is brought up again. Munn jokes that Jerry Bruckheimer won’t bring them anywhere again.

Joel is asked if he’s trying to step more into films, and dramas. Comedy brought him access to the business, but he used to play different roles, and he’s “over the moon about the opportunity and thrilled by the character.” McHale calls it the best time he’s ever had acting. Scott was one of the first friends Joel made when he moved from Seattle to Hollywood, and now their families are friends.

Creepily enough, Scott Derrickson knows a test question designed by the FBI to identify serial killers, and Scott has asked 45 different people…and Joel is the only person to answer it correctly. Eerie.

This blew my mind: Eric Bana was known in Australia for his comic chops, working as a stand up comedian and hosting his own sketch show. Eric doesn’t miss stand up (he’s too lazy nowadays), but misses sketch comedy, because that part of your brain never goes away, even if it’s been over a dozen years ago since he did it. Get this guy on SNL and Funnyordie. Scott reveals that he has a 7-8 minute improv reel of Eric and Joel driving in a car…and this NEEDS TO EXIST AND BE ONLINE RIGHT THIS MOMENT. It’ll be in the damn trending spot on FB in minutes.

Will Joel do a spoof of Deliver Us From Evil on The Soup? It’d be up to the cast, he responds, to which Olivia Munn immediately states: “I’m busy.” And that’s that, even if it was a joke.

Do they ever get stressed working together? “I am delightful,” Olivia Munn says. And we all believe her. Apparently they all get along, and sometimes that isn’t the case on a movie set, which is the least surprising nugget of information I “uncovered” this week. They managed to rise above the grueling weather and conditions, thanks to their chemistry.

Hardwick asks Bruckheimer a question, because he might fall asleep: How do you know when you have right mix? “You don’t, and I’ve been doing it for forty years.” Thanks Jerry.

How did the crazy/scary footage change their beliefs, if any?
Eric doesn’t care where it comes from, but he witnessed people going through real suffering, and that’s what scared and moved him. Olivia was raised Christian, but something in 2010 caused her not to believe anymore. After she saw the videos, this made her have questions, and she visited a Long Island medium. Now she’s a believer, after seeing this different kind of otherworldly suffering.

How much of the movie uses practical FX as opposed to CGI?
Scott tries to make it real whenever possible, because if it’s real, it’ll look better. No $#*@. It’s not a heavy CG movie, and relies more on the story and characters, which is nice, but also what every director should say. Scott says that British actor Sean Harris was the conduit for the movie, like Jennifer Carpenter in Emily Rose. I couldn’t really tell you what that means, but it sounded interesting.

How does being in a horror movie affect you? What did you take away from the film? 

Scott: His own growth as a filmmaker; the DP pushed him to learn new ways of lighting and other techniques, and took note of the unrelenting will that Jerry Bruckheimer has to make things better.

Bana: It’s a big and complicated subject, and awesome dinner party conversation.

Ramirez: Insert something soulful here about helping people.

Munn: Her Long Island medium.

McHale: To work with his best friend Scott and to see him work and be his element. Most of his scenes are with Eric, and he’s a true movie star, and “to look like him and be able to act…” makes me hate him. He also learned how awesome Jerry Bruckheimer’s hair is, because that needed to be said. Thank you Joel, and thank you for one of the most entertaining panels of WonderCon. If you can judge a movie by the back and forth between its cast…then Deliver Us From Evil will be a good one.

It’s coming July 2nd, 2014. Ralph Sarchie’s book is on Amazon, and so is pastor Don Basham’s.

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“Knights of Badassdom” Blu-Ray Review Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:34:22 +0000 Get hard]]> kob7

For many, the LARP subplot in ROLE MODELS was their first exposure to Live Action Role Playing, a “real life” version of Dungeons & Dragons, getting dice rolling fanatics out into the fresh air. And it not only was rife with hilarity, but made us all want to play it.

Unfortunately, the 20 minutes of ROLE MODELS is miles beyond anything found in KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM. A LARP movie, with a brilliant, nerd friendly cast had tons of potential. It’s unfortunate to see it mostly wasted here.

For hundreds of years, an evil, Necronomicon-like book created by John Dee was thought to be lost forever. Unfortunately for the world, it’s been found, and put into the hands of Level 26 perpetually going on 27 wizard Eric (TREME’s Steve Zahn), who treats it like the gag gift that he thinks it is.

Instead, he summons pure evil into the world during a faux sacrifice with his Live Action Role Playing buddies. Oops.


Speaking of pure evil, girls are the worst. Especially long time H.S. girlfriends unimpressed with the direction, or lack thereof, in your life. Enter “doom” metal rocker Joe (TRUE BLOOD’s Ryan Kwanten), flashing his wares at a mechanic shop, clearly out of his preferred element. It’s the night of the big date with Beth (REVENGE’s Margarita Levieva), and fearing that Joe is planning a proposal (he has penned a song instead), cuts the cord, and dumps him.

Apparently, Joe’s been living a meandering life in a castle, with his “accidental millionaire” brother, the aforementioned Eric.


It’s so jarring and weird to see GAME OF THRONE extraordinaire Peter Dinklage as a character named “Hung” who would say “It’s a sativa, dude,” and acting like one of the idiots, rather than being the cleverest person in the room we’re so accustomed to seeing. This isn’t to say that Dinklage doesn’t pull it off, but it’s unfortunate that he’s not given much material, since he’s clearly brought in to be comic relief and awesome.

When Joe gets home, all mopey from Beth’s probably justified dumping, the pair get him life-threateningly drunk and stoned, and Joe wakes up the next day in the back of Eric’s van, in full armor, on the eve of the Battle of Evermore. He’s resistant to jumping into LARP, but apparently has legendary D&D skills from back in the day (it’s hard to believe Ryan Kwanten has ever not spent a night sleeping with women), and now single with nothing better to do, ultimately relents. From there, we learn the rules, etiquette and point system of LARP, meet the over-bearing game master Ronnie (IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA’s Jimmi Simpson, having more fun than most people in this movie) and in order to make Joe eligible to play, Eric must whip up a spell of transference or something.

Instead, Eric gives the demon a body, in the form of Beth, Joe’s ex-girlfriend who now likes to kill people:


This certainly puts a damper on the Battle of Evermore, as Eric, Joe and company attempt to fend off the villainous Beth with little more than foam swords and fake spells.


Oh, and SUMMER GLAU (FIREFLY, not that you needed this parenthetical). In a movie that has Peter Dinklage, Steve Zahn, Ryan Kwanten, Jimmi Simpson and friggin’ Danny Pudi (who is somehow unlikable as “Lando”), we’re all here to see THE sexy nerd Summer Glau be a badass. She gets that chance too infrequently, even with a +3 endowment (her butt).

What was successful was her reason for playing: her younger brother Gunther (Brett Gipson) has trouble separating LARP from reality, and after a disastrous outing to Medieval Times, Gwen has jumped into his world to protect him. It’s adorable, while a hulking brute who’s never off book is great comedy.


I’ll give KOB this: it certainly establishes the world and its characters quickly, and wasting even less time to escalate. KOB doesn’t tread lightly on his presence, racking up a body count quickly. In fact, it kills off the characters you want to see more of, which is unfortunate.

There are practically limitless opportunities for quirky characters, cameos, speeches and scenes within a fake-but-not-really fake Battle filled with LARP’ers, and blessed with such an awesome cast, it makes KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM a frustrating viewing experience. It certainly has funny moments (it’s impossible to ruin the concept), and a satisfying climax, but mostly, it just left me wanting a do-over.

The Blu-Ray features a “Summer Glau Hottie Montage,” which sounded like it could break the internet should it ever get out. Instead, it was a boring interview inter-cut with scenes from the movie that were sexier the first time. There’s also a Peter Dinklage interview, a Steve Zahn interview and two “Horr-o-medy” featurettes, but like the Glau Montage, clock in at 1-2 minutes a piece. Director Joe Lynch has a 7 minute interview, but the cream of the crop is the San Diego Comic-Con panel, clocking in at 48 minutes, featuring everyone in the cast you’d want to see, save Steve Zahn.


KNIGHTS OF BADASSDOM is on Blu-Ray today, April 1st, and is just $19.99 on Amazon.

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