Comments on: How I Met Your Disappointment Fri, 19 Jan 2018 00:25:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: David Youngblood Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:09:12 +0000 Yeah Blake, I think we’re on the same page, especially on feeling like they kind of wasted the Mother. As uneven as this final season was, almost all the highlights involved whenever she’d appear. I think I’ll always wonder “what if” about this show now. What if Milioti had joined the cast in Season 6 or 7? The creators clearly had a plan in mind from the beginning: end the show by telling how Ted meets the mother, then show that the story was really about Robin all along. But what if they’d thrown that out and let us meet her earlier, then give us a couple seasons of watching her and Ted grow together? That could have been incredible. Especially if they had resisted the repeating pattern you mention, and finally given us a relationship without a breakup and getting back together. I still wouldn’t have wanted to see them kill Tracy off and put Ted and Robin together at the end, but a lot of the other stuff from the finale might have worked pretty well if it hadn’t been so rushed. Barney having a kid and maturing from the experience could have been a particularly great story if it had been his big growth story, instead of coming at the sacrifice of a few seasons of prior development. But instead, they stuck to the plan they’d had all along, even though the show had outgrown that plan. It’s really a shame.

By: Blake Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:30:43 +0000 Also, what irritates me is it seems like surprising us is more important to them than making a good story. They would rather us be shocked and not see it coming (even though everyone predicted she was dead) than tell a better story and we know it’s coming. I think this is a poor trade off, but I guess maybe that’s why I don’t write books or TV shows. I will say this kind of thing gets old. Reminds me of Lost, where they were so concerned with no one guessing it that it spiraled out of control to the point that alot of people gave up on it or hated it. Idk, maybe it’s just me and this stuff was intended, but I think they could have done much better.

By: Blake Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:25:07 +0000 I think you nailed it on so many things. Having Barney move backwards was lame. We already saw him change once, why do we have to do everything twice in himym. Every character has to get engaged once, have it not work out, then get married. Marshal and the judge thing. Barney and Robin. Ted and Robin. Everything repeats. I also think the fact that they made all of us just cringe and roll our eyes and sigh (even the other characters did it) every time Ted mentions Robin because it is just so run into the ground didn’t help me like the ending either. They make me hate the two of them together, then make the show all about them getting together? Give me a break. Plus it is such a waste to have such a great character in the mother and have her just be in some of the last season, and really not all that much in the finale even. I feel cheated for even watching. I wish instead of what they did they would have taken the ridiculous amount of things that happened in this one episode and replaced the last 3 seasons with it, because honestly it would have been more material than most of the filler nonsense we have put up with since season 5. And I would have rather Barney originally just had the baby, never marry Robin, because then it makes all of his previous maturing seem fake and a waste of our time. I know they had a plan, but I think they could have made a funnier, better, more lasting show if they had gone a different route. Oh well.
