Comments on: Daredevil Week: Frank Miller Vol. 3 and ‘Born Again’ Fri, 19 Jan 2018 00:25:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tomas Mon, 13 Apr 2015 00:26:56 +0000 I love “Born Again” to pieces, but I am glad I’m not the only one who feels the way you do about Nuke’s appearance at the end. Yeah, Miller sets it up in advance, but by the time Matt was reunited with Karen and they’d started rebuilding their lives together, it felt like “Born Again” was over. It’s still a great issue, especially the final scenes with both Cap and Nuke and the one with Fisk, Karen and Matt, but it does feel more “extra” than “essential.” Least it got Matt back in the Daredevil suit, I suppose.

I haven’t read the issues between issue #181-191, but #191 itself is absolutely gold. I think #191 and “Born Again” set out to do two different things, however. #191 is a deconstruction of the superhero, that’s true, but I think “Born Again” is specifically the deconstruction of Matt Murdock. Yes, there are larger ideas about the superhero ideal Miller’s targeting in the latter, but #191 challenges the genre much more directly. It’s one of those mic-drop issues that almost makes you wonder why Miller wrote any more superhero stories after the points he makes within. Almost.
