Comments on: Binge Project: ‘The Wheel of Time,’ Book 7 Fri, 19 Jan 2018 00:25:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Binge Project: ‘The Wheel of Time’ – ‘Winter Dragon’ pilot - Seven Inches of Your Time Tue, 10 Feb 2015 22:15:45 +0000 […] Reborn), Book 4 (The Shadow Rising), Book 5 (The Fires of Heaven), Book 6 (Lord of Chaos), Book 7 (A Crown of Swords), Book 8 (The Path of Daggers), Book 9 (Winter’s Heart), Book […]

By: Ryan Collins Fri, 12 Sep 2014 22:06:12 +0000 Yup, I’ve read pretty much all of his stuff, Mistborn was a great series, and really short, but covers a lot, wouldn’t mind reading it again. He does a very good job of making sure everything is logical, especially when it comes to magic, which really is helpful to make it seem more believable, in his worlds, magic follows rules and sticks to them, so its always interesting to hear how they use that to their advantage, rather than hearing about some unknown power that their magic has that randomly gets them out of the situation (as much as I love WoT it happens on occasion).
I’m actually reading his series right now, the Stormlight Archive, I love it, his worldbuilding is very unique, cultures don’t feel as based on Earthly beliefs, but more creative.
I haven’t read many authors, but Sanderson might be my favorite (Martins my least).

By: David Youngblood Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:42:52 +0000 I’m looking forward to seeing Sanderson’s style. Have you read his Mistborn books? A friend who got me into Wheel of Time suggested I try those next.

By: Ryan Collins Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:21:27 +0000 Damn! That’s really doing work!
To be honest, there is a lull in book 11, and maybe that extends a little into book 10, where you think to yourself that he’s just dragging it along, but 12, 13, 14 are pure masterpieces, I really don’t know if its because of Sanderson, or what Jordan always intended, but really, it seems like the criticism finally got across, and they don’t feel like they drag along at all. It actually really makes you wonder how Jordan ever intended on making the series only 12 books long… But I have moved on to reading a lot of Sanderson’s books afterwards, and its making me feel that Sanderson taking over the series is what caused it to pick up, his books are great!

By: David Youngblood Fri, 12 Sep 2014 02:47:48 +0000 Thanks man! My preference would still be to not stop, but I was starting to think I might need a break just to be able to enjoy the good stuff without being as bothered by the bad. But I’m about halfway through Book 8, and you’re right, the Angry Women stuff has been toned down a lot so far in this book. Nynaeve has even been pretty reasonable in the early parts. So if that kind of improvement keeps up, maybe I’ll be able to power through without any big break.

It also helps for this Project that the book lengths have gone back down. At least as far as my Kindle tracks the page numbers, it topped out around 1100 pages (Book 5 maybe?), but Book 7 was less than 800, and Book 8 less than 700. So I should be able to finish up Book 8 this weekend and get another post out early next week. I like longer books, but it definitely helps move these posts along when they’re a bit shorter.

By: Ryan Collins Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:59:24 +0000 You gotta keep going! Don’t stop the binge!! Angry Women troupe is gradually toned down, and completely gone by the time Sanderson takes over. Definitely agree that he does spend too much time world building and adding more bad guys, but it doesn’t get much worse than this book. Perrin will begin to piss you off, and I feel like the Shaido stick around for a little too long, but some of the other story lines really make it worth it. Nynaeve definitely calms down a bit after Lan (this actually was one of the more beautiful parts in the later books). But, besides the above mentioned issues I have, the loose ends that he introduces are so beautifully resolved in later books that its truly worth it, you will get a bad book or 2 every here and there, but there is a character who I believe will be introduced in the next book that does reduce the Bickering Women quite a bit. And Rand’s character transformation is just breathtaking over the next books, going darker and darker.
Never stop the binge! Although, I’m impressed, 2 book reviews in about 8 days, its really making me want to go back and read the series a 4th time…
