Comments on: Binge Project: ‘The Wheel of Time,’ Book 12 Fri, 19 Jan 2018 00:25:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kat Sat, 28 Feb 2015 22:13:13 +0000 I am really disappointed that the Seanchan are now being set up as important and that people seem happier under their rule. Jordan did such a fabulous job of making them total villians that it’s near impossible to see them as anything else. I was particularly disappointed that Mat married Tuan. I find her despicable and only barely likeable due to her ignorance of the larger world. These people succeed on the backs of slaves particulary the channelers who are literally treated and regarded as dangerous pets. I also hate that now there are several mentions of how the damane seem to thrive on being petted by suldam or how a little damane was so excited by Tuane’s return that she had to pet her.

While that reads badly this is still a truly great series of books and I have really enjoyed reading them.

By: Binge Project: ‘The Wheel of Time,’ Book 14 - Seven Inches of Your Time Wed, 24 Dec 2014 21:38:35 +0000 […] 9 (Winter’s Heart), Book 10 (Crossroads of Twilight), Book 11 (Knife of Dreams), Book 12 (The Gathering Storm), Book 13 (Towers of Midnight), Book 0 (New […]

By: Binge Project: ‘The Wheel of Time,’ Book 0 - Seven Inches of Your Time Mon, 15 Dec 2014 23:14:23 +0000 […] 9 (Winter’s Heart), Book 10 (Crossroads of Twilight), Book 11 (Knife of Dreams), Book 12 (The Gathering Storm), Book 13 (Towers of […]

By: David Youngblood Wed, 03 Dec 2014 16:45:14 +0000 I actually like Cadsuane a lot more than you. She’s definitely a little Angry Woman sometimes, but Jordan and now Sanderson have handled her attitude better than some other women; she’s walked a better line of tough without being unnecessarily awful. We’ve seen a lot of women act bitchy for no reason in this series; I like that Cadsuane’s bitchyness at least feels calculated to achieving specific goals — the most important being guiding Rand toward a balanced path for the Last Battle. She does belittle him, but a lot of that was trying to deflate his out-of-control ego and pull him back from some of that darkness. That said, I did love Rand putting her in her place a little in Book 13 (post to come soon!) by telling her that he’s older than her and can be properly called Rand Sedai. And I love that it seemed to finally work.

Gawyn definitely didn’t know what he was doing, sure, but even when striking out blindly in ways that admittedly were more harmful than he could have had reason to guess, he was so damn arrogant about it. Like being so fucking sure about Rand killing Morgase, no matter who told him otherwise and despite the fact that people like Egwene and Elayne had reason to know much, much more about it than him. I’m sure you’re right about Gawyn mooning over Egwene all along, but I was more put-off by her falling for him; I don’t see what lovable traits he has.

I meant to elaborate on Rand’s love interests again at some point, but you’re definitely right that Elayne falling for him stretched credibility. Really, I might argue that all three of the women falling for him was each a stretch, but at least Aviendha and Min were around him more before doing so. But I give a bit of a pass to all that, mostly because I like to imagine Rand’s ta’veren pull causing a lot of the love square. Being ta’veren might not be able to make someone fall in love (though maybe it could? Rand does think his influence on the pattern is strong enough to kill someone simply by willing it), but if the mere possibility of Elayne falling for Rand so quickly existed at all, then his ta’veren pull could have altered the probabilities to bring it to fruition. Likewise, that pull could have nudged the other two, and helped all three accept the unlikely-but-possible scenario of sharing him. I know none of this is actually stated or even implied in the books that I recall, but it makes sense to me as a fan theory. The pattern warps around Rand, sometimes randomly but sometimes in ways that help him along his quest toward defeating the Dark One (making the pattern’s warping around him a sort of self-preservation). It’s logical that his ta’veren pull would warp the probabilities for these women to fall for him, because their doing so both strengthened his alliances for the Last Battle and strengthened himself through their affections.

I think that Moridin conversation moves him past Lanfear for my favorite of the Forsaken, with Demandred right behind those two. I’m very curious what role they’ll all play in the Last Battle.

By: Ryan Collins Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:10:45 +0000 Yeah buddy!!! I’m glad that you got this one out so fast! That last chapter, with Rand having that realization was probably my favorite chapter of the series, besides the last book. That character transformation is so amazing, because you really have no idea how Rand is going to be able to make it to the Last Battle being so… evil, seeing that darkness around him was a nice touch. The way Jordan built him though, it made sense, he was right, he did have to be hard to make it through the last battle. Then he reveals its all about love (or something like that, I forgot the phrasing), and with Rand, you also realize, that’s really what you need to make it to the Last Battle, I think it was the last sentence of the chapter or something, like you mentioned, where he knew right then he would no longer hear the voice in his head, it just really showed how at peace he was going to be.

The Seanchan part also had me thrown for a loop as well, on top of the Dark Battle, he was going to have to deal with them after. I don’t remember the resolution to that issue honestly, but I’m sure I was happy with it.

What are your thoughts on Cadsuane? You haven’t mentioned her much, personally, I really didn’t like her character, and was kind of glad Rand banished her to show her a little humility, she hasn’t proved herself to me at any point in the book, or Rand at this point, because we have followed his life, so why would Rand show her respect? He’s the savior of all of the world, no reason to call him boy all the time.

I don’t like how extreme Gawyn got, you’re right, but I don’t think that he really knew what he was doing? He does have a lot of angst, but I would disagree, there was a lot of him liking Egwene when Egwene was still mooning over Galad, reading it through a second time you saw it more, personally I think how Elayne falls in love with Rand is ludicrous, they met once, and she goes head over heels for him.

I just think there are some plots that pull away from the story, like Gawyn’s or Perrin’s, where you know they aren’t going to make a difference in the long run, and they just drag out. Same with Nynaeve and Elayne being in that one travelling troop. The Borderlands I don’t mind as much, because we don’t hear about them, but the other stories waste so much book space that it frustrates me.

I hope you are going through the 13th book just as fast as the 12th! It really gets you ready for the 14th book, I really like this last 3, it really develops all those stories where you thought no way in hell will they be ready for the Last Battle, and really drives that sense of urgency, that you feel should have started a lot earlier.
Demandred I think is my favorite forsaken, as well as Lanfear, you never know what side she truly on. Moridin’s conversation was really sobering, that conversation, like you said, really shows the reality of the situation in a way you would have never thought would have been explained in the book, and it’s just so sobering.

By: Ryan Collins Tue, 25 Nov 2014 21:12:31 +0000 Haven’t read this yet, but I’m so stoked that there is another one for me to read… FUCK YEAH!
