“Ping Pong Summer” Is Every 80’s Coming-of-Age Movie Combined, And Kinda Wonderful Anyway

You’ve seen PING PONG SUMMER before, loads of times, but Michael Tully’s new 80’s coming-of-age teen comedy still has enough heart and talent to justify revisiting that skin-crawling period of adolescence we’ve all gone through. Rad Miracle (yes, that’s his name) is a parachute pant wearing poster child for the … Get hard

Film Edumacation: “Adventures in Babysitting”

Until last weekend, I had never seen ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING, a 1987 classic from director Chris Columbus. This is to say, that until last weekend, I had never lived. The film, which you can guess at even if you don’t already know the film by heart, is about Chris Parker (eternal … Get hard